Understanding Microsoft Advertising's Budget Methods

Our platform's Microsoft Advertising budgeting options are very similar to those found in the Microsoft Advertising user interface. There are three budget methods to choose from: MonthlyDaily (Standard) and Daily (Accelerated). We'll look at these in more detail below.

Microsoft Advertising's Budgeting Options

Let's take a look at the available options for Microsoft Advertising budgeting:

  • Monthly: With this method enabled, your budget will be spent over the course of the month, with no daily limit (but daily spend cannot go above your total monthly budget).
  • Daily (Standard): With this method, Microsoft Advertising will attempt to distribute your budget evenly over the course of the day.
  • Daily (Accelerated): With this budget method, Microsoft Advertising will attempt to spend you daily budget as quickly as possible each day until it is gone. If you make a change to the campaign in the platform while using this method (such as pausing the campaign), the budget method will revert to Daily (Standard).

How To Choose Your Budget Option In The platform

To change your budget method on a per-campaign basis, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigation Bar, click Accounts >  Campaigns and filter for Microsoft Advertising campaigns.
  2. Select a campaign with the checkboxes on the left, then click Edit ('pencil' icon).
  3. Click the Daily Budget menu where you can change the budget method.

Additional Information About Microsoft Advertising's Budget Methods

  • If you create campaigns in bulk, the default setting for the campaign budget is Daily (Standard). At present, this default cannot be changed.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024