Pivot Table Reporting In Marin Social


Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful features, allowing you to build granular reporting to your requirements.


To create a pivot table report in the Marin Social platform, follow these steps:

  1. To begin, choose a Time Period.
  2. Determine your Pivot criteria. You can choose up to 4 criteria.
    • Date: Campaign start date.
    • Campaign: Campaign name.
    • Title: Ad Title.
    • Body: Ad Text.
    • Ad types: Different ad types used.
    • Creative: Image, body and redirection URL.
    • Tweet: Promoted tweets, including tweet ID.
    • Gender: Male / Female.
    • City: Cities targeted.
    • Country: Countries targeted.
    • Location: Full location targeting – country, city, zip code, etc.
    • Targeting: Different targeting segments created.
    • Interest cluster / Category: Interest clusters and Twitter interest categories.
    • Placement: Timeline / search / timeline and search placement.
    • Language: Targeted language(s).
    • Media Plan(s): Media Plan.
    • Mobile device family: Device.
    • Mobile device OS: Device operating system (OS).
    • URL: Destination URL.
  3. Click Show.
  4. To sort a postponement, click on a table field.
  5. To export the postponement data to Excel, click Export.
    1. Notethe relevance of the Selection Criteria order: eg GenderDate will display a different table than DateGender.

External Access

The platform allows you to share the generated carry with your client or manager. To share a link with an external user:

  1. Select the language you want the postponement external access to appear in. 
  2. Choose the Time Period of the deferral. 
  3. Click Share
  4. Click on the button to open the below-carry in a new tab.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: November 22nd, 2023