Implementing the Asynchronous Platform Tracking Pixel


To track conversions in Marin using our own tracking technology called Marin Tracker, you will be required to deploy a JavaScript pixel and a conversion pixel to the relevant pages of your website.

Marin has two types of tracking code snippets: one to track clicks, and another to track conversions. The click-tracking code should be inserted on your landing page, whereas the conversion tracking code should be inserted on your 'thank you' (or equivalent) page.

For guidance on setting up this integration, and answers to many questions, please read our 

Marin Tracker Integration Considerations

  • Marin Tracker is not intended to track engagement metrics like page views, sales funnel, video views, and other non-transactional conversion events.
  • You must be willing to put JavaScript code on each domain that you would like to use it on. You can track conversions from multiple domains.
  • You must be willing to edit keyword and creative URLs for all search accounts.
  • You do not have an alternative tracking system set up that you want to use for bidding and revenue data in Marin.

Important Information

Please make sure to put the pixel between the <body> and </body> tags. If putting it into <head> and </head> tags or an external file, the pixel can't be fired properly.

platform Tracking Features

The grid below offers an outline of the supported features of platform tracking.

Functionality Tracker Javascript Tracker Redirect
Search Query Report (available from Google) Y Y
Raw Search Query Reporting Y Y
URL Builder Y Y
URL Auto Correct Y  
Date of Click Reporting Y Y
Date of Sale Reporting Y Y
Compatible with Call Tracking Vendors Y Y
Changes to destination URLs Y Y
Supports Multiple Conversion Types Y Y
Changes to Landing Pages Y  
Changes to Thank-you Pages Y Y
Upload by Order ID Y Y
Product Feed Automation Y Y
Attribution Modeling Y Y
Creative Level Tracking Y Y
Creative Testing Y Y
Placement Level Tracking Y Y
Keyword Expansion - Cross Publisher Y Y
Ad Scheduling Recommendation Y Y

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024