Bulk Uploading URLs Frequently Asked Questions

This article will answer some of the most common questions we receive regarding the platform's URL upload functionality, as well as when to use the Click Through URL column.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The URL Builder?

URL Builder is used to automatically add tracking to URLs uploaded into the application.

Am I Using URL Builder?

To check if you are set up to use URL Builder, follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin in the upper-right corner of the app.
  2. Click into the Revenue sub-tab.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click Revenue Diagnostics then scroll down to the URL Builder section.

Alternatively, you can click Admin > Revenue sub-tab > URL Builder to see more detailed URL Builder settings such as which publishers and objects are setup to utilize URL Builder and which tracking parameters will be automatically added.

What URL Should I Upload?

If URL Builder is on and you're in any doubt as to what URL to upload, the best option is to only include the landing page URL, such as http://www.example.com/shoes/offers without any tracking parameters such as ?mkwid=abc1234&pcrid={creative}. Not only does this make it easier to create bulk files and make URL changes, it also prevents revenue attribution issues from occurring later on.

What Is A Tracking Parameter?

A tracking parameter is a unique value added to a URL to enable conversions to be tracked back to the object (keyword/creative/placement etc.) that the user clicked on before landing on the advertiser's site.

A list of tracking parameters can be found on the URL Builder page (Admin > Revenue > URL Builder) and look like the bolded section of this URL:


What If I Upload URLs With Tracking Parameters Included?

It is likely that you will overwrite the unique tracking parameter for that object. There may be good reasons for wanting to do this, but it can also result in your revenue files failing to attribute all captured revenue and conversions, with errors such as tracking ID cannot be found or multiple tracking IDs found (meaning that you have given two objects the same ID).

Note that these failures can be monitored (via Admin > Revenue > Revenue Diagnostics).

When Should I Use The Click Through URL Column?

Bulk files should only contain a Click Through URL column if you are building redirect URLs. If not building redirect URLs, your bulk file should only contain the Destination URL column. Files should never contain both Click Through URL and Destination URL columns.

Am I Building Redirect URLs?

Go to the URL Builder settings page (Admin > Revenue > URL Builder). If it is set up to build redirects/redirect URLs, you will see the Build redirect URLs option selected.

Redirect URLs send customers via a service such as the Marin Tracker or DFA before they land on the advertiser's website. The redirect part of the URLs will look like the bolded section of this URL:


As you can see, the landing page appears as a parameter (lp=) of the redirect service.

I Am Building Redirects, What Should I Upload In The Click Through URL Column?

If in any doubt, the best option is to upload the landing page URL only, without any tracking parameters.

Why Does The Click Through URL Column In The Grid/Report Not Contain The Redirect?

Once URL Builder has built the URL uploaded in the Click Through URL column, it will be saved in the Destination URL column in the platform. It is the value in the Destination URL column that is sent to the publisher.


I've Checked That URL Builder Is On, But Tracking Parameters Are Not Being Added. Why Not?

Answer these questions to diagnose the issue:

  1. Are you uploading creatives, placements, product targets or sitelinks? These objects each have a separate on/off checkbox on the URL Builder page.
  2. Do you have Use Same Settings for All Publishers selected? If not, is it on for the publisher you are uploading?

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024