Strategy Posting Options

Attribute support

Depending on the Strategy Goal, Marin recommends Daily Budgets, CPA/ROAS targets, and bids. Users can specify which of these should be posted to the publisher. You will come closer to your goals when Marin is allowed to update more settings.

Campaign Targets: Updates Publisher Target CPA and Publisher Target ROAS values Publisher Bidding targets. Targets are only trafficked if the publisher's campaign setting matches the Marin Strategy settings (i.e., a campaign on Smart Bidding Maximize Conversions will only have its Target CPA updated if it is mapped to a Marin Strategy maximizing conversions).

  • Target CPA and Target ROAS will only be trafficked if a campaign already has a value set, i.e. if on Maximize Conversions without Target CPA value, we will not traffic the recommended Target CPA
  • Target CPA and Target ROAS are not trafficked for campaigns part of a Portfolio in Google Ads/Microsoft Ads
  • Target CPA and Target ROAS are not trafficked for campaigns on Campaign Override
  • Targets will only be trafficked for campaigns that are active
  • Targets are only trafficked for Google and Microsoft
  • Microsoft does not allow to set a Target CPA for Maximize Conversions, nor a Target ROAS for Maximize Conversion Value

Campaign Budgets: These will only be trafficked for campaigns that do not use a shared budget and which are using a Daily budget (i.e., ‘total' or ‘lifetime’ budgets are not supported). Campaign Budgets are not trafficked for campaigns on Campaign Override.

Bids: Marin Bidding can calculate bids based on the recommended Target ROAS/Target CPA 

  • Reach out to your platform representative to enable bidding based on the recommended Target ROAS/Target CPA
  • In Strategies with a Spend constraint only, campaigns without Target CPA or Target ROAS recommendation will not be bid on


Written by Coen Diepenhorst

Last published at: February 13th, 2025