Strategy Pace Chart
The Budgeting tools in Marin provide both a budget Pace tool and a budget Plan tool to help you plan and optimize your monthly budgets. The Pace tool allows you to forecast your publisher spend for the current month, while the Plan tool summarizes various spend targets and the corresponding KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for the current month. Y...
Pacing Dashboard
Quickly identify which strategies are pacing on target, ahead, or behind, via the Pacing Dashboard. Any Strategies with Spend Targets will automatically show in the dashboard, which is accessible via the left navigation panel under Optimize > Pacing Advanced AI-powered forecasting predicts your performance for the current episode based on season...
Forecasting Overview
Overview You can use Marin Forecasting to predict future trends in clicks, conversion, revenue, cost, and profit based on historical data. These predictions can be used as guidelines to adjust goals based on current business needs. The trends are calculated using Marin's predictive campaign-level models, which are then aggregated to present a Strate...
Maximize Conversions / Conversion Value Strategy Goals
Marin gives you the tools to take control of your performance marketing budgets to maximize impact and return on investment by dynamically allocating budget to the most productive campaigns. Maximize Conversions and Maximize Conversion Value Strategy Goals Maximize Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the strategy goals for marketing looking...
Forecasting FAQ
Do the models consider impression share? Yes, the models themselves will be different depending on impression share; if you're already at 100%, expect far flatter slopes. Google simulations are sensitive to impression share, and Marin models have dedicated models for high/medium/low/unknown impression share brackets. Other constraints such as budg...
Allocation Dashboard
The Allocation Dashboard provides transparency and additional detail about Strategy performance versus their targets. It displays the information underlying the forecasts to help you understand what will change at the campaign level and how the decisions are being made. Accessing the Allocation Dashboard Navigate to the usual grid. Open the 'Optimiz...
Migrating Marin Bidding Strategies to Dynamic Allocation
This article covers the enablement steps needed to onboard a pre-existing Marin Bidding Strategy onto “Dynamic Allocation” Key Benefits In addition to the usual benefits of Marin Bidding, opting into “Dynamic Allocation” goals brings the following benefits Ability to set Spend targets instead/as well as efficiency (CPA|ROAS) targets Ability to pace ...
Pacing Columns (Strategies and Campaigns Grids)
Track progress against your targets with Pacing Columns. This powerful visualization shows where you are today and where Marin forecasts you will be at the end of the episode. The pacing charts (also sometimes affectionately known as pacing “thermometers”), provide a quick visual representation of your strategies' performance against their targets. ...
Pause campaign when monthly budget is reached
This script pauses campaigns in a strategy when the budget specified in the dimension is reached. What can I do with this? This script gives you greater control of monthly spending than publisher tools allow, eliminating the possibility of overspending and client credits. How it works This script compares the MTD spend and if it's within the safety ...
Media Mix Audit FAQ
How does the audit work? Once you link your ad platform accounts. Marin will download historical performance data. We use this in our proprietary AI models to predict performance at different spend levels for each campaign. Our optimization algorithm aims to maximize the number of conversions while keeping your spend unchanged from the last two week...
Completed Episode Summary
This view summarizes the performance of your Strategies for the last completed Episode. The Strategies are grouped into categories based on whether Marin was actively managing them during the Episode and whether there were any settings changes. The Completed Episode Report is available under Optimization > Allocation > Completed in the left na...
Forecasting Overrides with Marketing Calendars
Marin's Forecasting Overrides feature integrates Marketing Calendars with Marin Forecasting, such that users can modify the forecasting data used to power Ascend reallocation decisions. Why you need a Forecasting Overrides Sometimes, you might have access to data and information that Marin forecasting doesn't, for example: weekend business shutdown ...
Allocation across Strategies
Effective budget allocation across strategies is key to maximizing your return on investment (ROI) in digital marketing. Marin’s Dynamic Allocation feature lets you reallocate spend across multiple strategies—collections of campaigns working toward common goals—beyond the existing intra-strategy adjustments. This capability helps you prioritize and ...