How To Link Tokens To Another User


If you need to link tokens to another user in Marin Social, simply follow the instructions listed here.

  1. From the Facebook Business Manager's Settings, make certain that the new user has Admin access to accounts and Facebook pages. If a user with a lower access level refreshes the token, some pages may not be displayed in the list of pages as a result.
    For Twitter, you will need to follow an equivalent process by making sure the user has the relevant access level. 
  2. On the Marin Social platform, navigate to Config/Account Manager. 
  3. click the Refresh icon next to the applicable Facebook account. The new user will then be redirected to Facebook or Twitter and asked for their credentials. 
  4. Finally, the new user will be automatically redirected to Marin Social. You should see a green check next to the corresponding Facebook or Twitter account. 

Linking A Facebook Account To Marin Social 

Before linking a Facebook account to the platform, you will first need to set up a Marin Social account. Please reach out to your platform representative who will be happy to assist you with the activation process.

Once your account is activated, you can then link your Facebook accounts into Marin Social by following these simple steps outlined in our help center article.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024