Optimization Goals For Marin Social


In Marin Social, Optimization Goals are the key indicators which social publishers use to optimize the delivery of an ad.

If a certain section of your target audience performs better against a particular Optimization Goal, your ad will be delivered more frequently to that particular audience. In this way, the publisher can aim for optimal performance for your campaigns. 

Because of this approach, you should always select an Optimization Goal based on the ultimate conversion goal of your campaign as opposed to any intermediary targets. For example, if you were trying to drive conversions with your campaign, you wouldn't select the Link Clicks or Landing Page Views goals.

Handy Tip

Optimization Goals are primarily a Facebook concept, which is why Twitter offers only a handful of options by comparison.


Available Optimization Goals 

Below is a list of the Optimization Goals you can choose from. All campaign objectives will default to a certain Optimization Goal (for example, the App Installs campaign objective will default to the App Installs Optimization Goal), but you are free to target another goal if you wish. 

Facebook Optimization Goals

  • Facebook Conversions: Will optimize for people more likely to make a conversion in your website.
  • Engaged Users: Will optimize for people more likely to take a particular action in your app.
  • Impressions: Increase the number of impressions with social context. I.e. with the names of one or more of the user's friends attached to the ad who have already liked the page or installed the app.
  • App Installs: Will optimize for people more likely to install your app.
  • Link Clicks: Optimizing towards clicks on the Call to Action in your Ad. Only recommended if you’re redirecting customers to a Facebook Page or Video. If you’re directing customers to your website, use Conversion or App Event optimization goals instead.
  • Lead Generation: Will optimize for people more likely to fill out a lead generation form.
  • Page Likes: Will optimize for people more likely to like your page.
  • Landing Page Views: Will optimize for people more likely to click on your Ad’s link and load the landing page.
  • Ad Recall Lift: Optimizes towards the people Facebook estimates would remember seeing your Ad if asked within two days.
  • Post Engagement: Will optimize for people more likely to engage with your post.
  • Video Views: Will optimize delivery of your ads to people who are more likely to watch videos for at least 10 seconds.
  • Reach: Optimize to reach the most unique users of each day or interval specified in the frequency configuration.
  • Brand Awareness: Optimize to reach the most users to spend at least a minimum amount of time on the image or video.
  • Store Visits: Optimize towards customers more likely to visit your stores. 
  • Two Second Continuous Video Views: Optimize to reach the most users to spend at least two continuous seconds on your video.

Twitter Optimization Goals 

  • App Click: Maximize users visiting and taking an action on your website, such as reading an article, downloading a white-paper, or making a purchase.
  • App Install: Target a mobile audience likely to install or engage with your app.
  • Reach: Optimize the delivery towards unique impressions.
  • Engagement: Optimize to users most likely to have any type of engagement action on the Tweet.

Available Optimization Goals For Objectives 

As mentioned above, you're able to set a specific Optimization Goal for any of your campaign objectives. Below is a list of objectives along with the Optimization Goals you can choose from. 

Facebook Campaign Objectives 

  • Fan Acquisition: Impression, Page Likes, Post Engagement, Reach
  • Post Engagement: Impression, Link Clicks, Post Engagement, Reach, Video Views
  • Video Play: Video Views, Two Second Continuous Video Views
  • Brand Awareness: Ad Recall Lift
  • App Installs: App Installs, Facebook Conversions, Impressions, Link Clicks, Post Engagement, Reach, Video Views
  • Outside Traffic: App Installs, Engaged Users, Facebook Conversions, Impressions, Landing Page Views, Link Clicks, Post Engagement, Reach
  • Website Conversions: Facebook Conversions, Impressions, Landing Page Views, Link Clicks, Post Engagement, Reach
  • Lead Generation: Lead Generation, Link Clicks
  • Store Visits: Reach, Store Visits
  • Reach: Impressions, Reach

Twitter Campaign Objectives 

  • App Installs: App Click, App Install
  • App Engagement: n/a
  • Awareness: Reach, Engagement
  • Followers: n/a
  • Tweet Engagement: n/a
  • Video: n/a
  • Website Clicks: n/a
  • Website Conversions: n/a

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024