The Marin Social User Manager


The User Manager section is where you can manage Marin Social platform user access. You are able to create, delete or disable platform logins. 

In this article, we'll show you how easy it is to manage users in the Marin Social platform.


There are three different available roleswithin the Marin Social platform:

Admin Community Manager User
Add users & edit user access x  
Add accounts x  
Add a Media Plan  x  
Access the Message Booster, create and boost posts x x
Access reporting x x
Create campaigns x x*

*The user has very limited access and can create campaigns only for the Media Plan that they have been granted access to. 

How To Create A New User

To create a new user with Marin Social, simply follow these steps:

  1. Within the User Manager, click Add new user
  2. Next, complete the form with the following information:
    • First name
    • Last name 
    • Email (this will also be your username)
    • Role
    • Assign selection (all clients or specifics clients)
    • Password 

Note: By clicking on the Connect button, you will be able to use the platform in the name of the user selected.

Adjust Media Plan Access For Users

The Marin Social platform allows you to restrict access to specific Media Plans within your account. To change a user's access settings, you have two options:

  1. The Media Plan Parameters page
  2. The Manage Users page

The Manage Users Page

To adjust user settings via the Manage Users page, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the Config menu, select Users
  2. Find the desired user and click Edit
  3. Scroll to the Grant Access to Media Plans section and use the checkboxes to select which Media Plans you'd like the user to access, or choose from Check All or Uncheck All
  4. Click Save to complete the changes

Media Plan Parameters Page

To adjust user access to a Media Plan via the Media Plan Parameters page:

  1. Navigate to the Media Plan
  2. Using the right-hand menu option, click Parameters
  3. Expand the Advanced Configuration section
  4. Next, expand the Manager section
  5. Use the checkboxes to grant access or reporting access to the Media Plan
  6. And last but not least, click Save


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024