View Tags


View Tags are special tags that allow you to track conversions on your website after a user has seen your ad on Facebook, but has not clicked on it. A cookie is dropped as your ad is shown to the user. Later, if the user goes to the page on your website where you have installed the tracking code from your View Tag provider, the conversion will be attributed to that View Tag.

Note: Facebook does not support using View Tags for Custom Audiences (Email/Datafile Custom Audiences, Website Custom Audiences, App Custom Audiences) as well as Dynamic Ads.

Please get in touch with your platform representative to enable the View Tag column at the ad level.

Adding View Tags To New Campaigns

  1. Navigate to the Media Plan.
  2. Open the settings by clicking on the accordion icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Go to Parameters.
  4. Scroll down to the Tracking section.
  5. Open the Tracking section and click on Click Tag, View Tag, URL Tags, Redirect URL Autocompletion to expand the section.
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  6. Add the View Tag.

The View Tag will apply automatically to all newly created campaigns within the Media Plan.

Note: View Tags at the ad level added through the Mass Editor will override the View Tags added in the Tracking section of a Media Plan. For example, if you would like to remove View Tags for a specific ad within a Media Plan without affecting other ads within that Media Plan, you can do it through the Mass Editor.

Adding Or Editing View Tags For Ads In Existing Campaigns

  1. Go to the Ads level.
  2. Select the ad.
  3. Click on Mass Editor.
  4. Click on the View Tags column to launch the Change View Tag(s) pop-up window.
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  5. Add or edit the View Tag and click on Ad to save your changes.

Removing View Tags From Ads In Existing Campaigns

  1. Go to the Ads level.
  2. Select the ad.
  3. Click on Mass Editor.
  4. Click on the View Tags column to launch the Change View Tag(s) pop-up window.
  5. Remove the View Tag and click Ad to save your changes.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024