Historical Data is Missing Before a Certain Date

You may notice that some of your historical revenue and conversion data in the platform may be missing. This is likely to happen on all tabs except for the History tab. Additionally, you may notice that the missing data is older than one year.

What Causes The Issue?

Our platform has a specific data lifespan window, and any data that falls outside of this window will not be displayed on the main tabs. Default lifespans for most Marin accounts are 13 months.

You can, however, extend this window. See the next section for more details.

How To Fix The Issue

Please submit a Support ticket (via the Contact Support button) so that our Customer Support team can extend the data lifespan window for this account.

Please also include in your case description how far back you would like data to extend. This will help our teams retrieve any necessary data after increasing the data lifespan window.


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024