Tracking IDs Overview

Setting up correct parameter parsing is important because these settings tell the application where to find tracking IDs within a URL. Finding the appropriate tracking IDs is essential in order for the application to correctly attribute conversions. If parsing is not set-up or if the start/stop sequences are not set-up correctly, there will be errors on the Tracker Revenue upload file.


Here is a quick recap of how to set up tracking IDs.

  1. In the Tracking ID tab, click the plus symbol and select Tracking ID parameter type, then enter “mkwid” to tell the application to start looking and enter “&” to signify to stop looking for the tracking ID.
  2. Add a Keyword parameter type, enter the values to let the application know where to start and stop looking for the keyword. 
  3. Add a Ad parameter type, enter the values to let the application know where to start and stop looking for the publisher creative ID.
  4. Add a Match Type parameter type, enter the values to let the application know where to start and stop looking for match type. 

Best Practices 

  • When using creative-level tracking, make sure to include {Keyword} and {MatchType} parameters in the destination URL in order to attribute conversions at the keyword level.
  • Try to keep tracking values consistent across URLs. For example, if using “mt” to tell the application where to find match type, use “mt={matchtype}” in all URLs. If it is necessary to use different parameters across URLs (ex. “mt={matchtype}” and “pmt={matchtype}”, then specify multiple {MatchType} parameters.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024