"Tracking Value Is Missing From URL" Error Message

When uploading a large number of creatives in Marin, you may encounter the error message: 

Tracking value is missing from URL


This is an automatic warning message given when the system identifies URLs without tracking parameters.

What Causes The Issue?

There are many reasons for this issue. Below we will outline some of the most common:

Using Creative Or Keyword Level Tracking

This error can occur when using either keyword or creative level tracking exclusively. This does not apply when using both keyword and creative level tracking.

Name Value Pairs Expected

If using URL Builder, tracking parameters cannot append to any URL with a name value pair error. These errors are related to incomplete parameter pairs in the URL. Please click the following link to learn more about name value pair errors.

Using RTS/Atlas

If using using RTS/Atlas and receive this error when adding creatives, this error can be ignored when no tracking is used at the creative level.

Auto Correct Set To Warn Only

If the option to Only warn for problems & issues is enabled for the Autocorrect feature within the URL Builder page, any URL that does not contain tracking may return this warning. This warning can be ignored if you are using other methods of tracking revenue or are using keyword level tracking. To learn more about Autocorrect, please refer to the Upgraded Autocorrect Overview article.

Tracking ID Has Not Been Set

You have not yet set Tracking ID parsing from Settings > Revenue & Tracking > Tracking IDs. Please fill in the appropriate parameter name in the box to resolve this issue.

If none of the above are the case, or you have more questions, please contact our Customer Support team, who will be happy to help investigate.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024