Discrepancy Between Conversion Totals In Google Analytics And Marin (Auto-Tagging 'On')

Note: This article is for users on a Google Analytics revenue integration with auto-tagging on. If you are on a Google Analytics revenue integration with auto-tagging off, please refer to this Help article: Discrepancy Between Conversion Totals in Google Analytics and the platform (Auto-tagging 'Off').

When comparing the number of conversions shown in Google Analytics and in the platform, you may notice a discrepancy between the numbers, and you may doubt that the platform misses some data or shows the wrong numbers.

What Causes The Issue?

This problem most commonly occurs when the data is not compared correctly, which means that, while both data sets are accurate, you have the numbers shown with different criteria applied.

For users on a Google Analytics revenue integration with auto-tagging on, the system will pull in paid search conversion data tracked by Google Analytics (using Google Analytics's gclid tracking parameter).

When comparing the conversion data in Google Analytics and in the platform for auto-tagging, you must make sure you are applying an Advanced Filter within Google Analytics for Paid Search Traffic.

To apply this filter in Google Analytics, please follow these steps:

  • Click Advanced Segments at the top of the grid (symbolized by a downward arrow).
  • Select the Paid Search Traffic filter and click Apply.

Google Analytics reports on all data it tracks (i.e. from direct, organic, paid search, etc.). Therefore when comparing the conversion data in Google Analytics to conversion data in the platform, you must make sure you are applying an Advanced Filter of Paid Search Traffic within Google Analytics.

Even after this filter is applied, conversion discrepancies are expected between Google Analytics and the platform with auto-tagging enabled due to several limitations:

  • No individual placement attribution (only relevant when advertising on Google Display Network).
  • No individual ad extension attribution. Attribution can only be to the publisher IDs (keyword, matchtype, creative ID), reporting against individual ad extensions like sitelinks is not available.
  • No individual product targeting attribution. Because attribution can only be to the publisher IDs (creative ID), reporting against individual product targets is not available.

How To Fix The Issue

This is expected behavior, and as such does not require a fix.

If that's not the case or you have more questions, please contact our Customer Support Team, who will be happy to help investigate.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024