Search Intent: Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find some of the most common questions we receive regarding Search Intent along with their answers.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can You Pull In Targeting For These Campaigns – For Example, Geos? Geo Is Essential. 

Search Intent campaigns, ad sets, and ads, once created in Marin Social, are the same as any other campaigns, ad sets, and ads. You can adjust their targeting e.g. geo-targeting in this case.

What Is Targeting Expansion? 

Facebook uses targeting expansion to adjust your interest-based targeting/detailed targeting to target more people. Please see a Facebook page here for more information.

What Is The Standard Outline For A Search Campaign In Social? 

The standard outline for a search campaign in Marin Social is:

  • Naming conventions: Name of the Search campaign used to create Social audiences + (remarketing) or (prospecting)
  • Tracking codes: No tracking codes appended
  • URLs being used: Search ad landing pages
  • Targeting
    • For the remarketing campaign, it is the target Website Custom Audience (WCA) that was created using the tagged keywords from Marin Search representing the user search intent.
    • For the prospecting campaign, it is the target Lookalike Audience (LAL) that is similar to the WCA used in the remarketing campaign.

What Are The Campaign And Ad Set Naming Conventions? 

  • Remarketing Campaign
    • Ad set: [WCA] - Name of the dimension
    • Ad: Search ad headline
  • Prospecting Campaign
    • Ad set: [LOOKALIKE] - Name of the dimension
    • Ad: Search ad headline

Do Ad Sets And Audiences Have The Same Naming Conventions? And Does That Come The From The Dimension That We’ve Tagged In Marin? Can We Change The Dimension Tagged To Develop More Audiences? 

Only one ad set is created per dimension. The naming convention of the ad set reflects its targeting audience. As pointed out above, the name uses the dimension. Any changes in the dimension won't automatically update the audiences. You can, however, add new dimensions to create new audiences (this would take some backend re-syncing, so it wouldn't be an automatic process). Also, anything new that you tag with an active search intent dimension will automatically be added to the remarketing users pool.

For The Template, What Are You Using To Create The Automatic Ads? What Elements Can We Control There? 

Our Automated Search Intent product is still in its early stage and does not allow the user to control any aspect of ad automation at the moment.

Where Do The Images Come From? How Is The Card Selected? Can This Come From The Feed? 

Images are scraped from the Search ad landing pages. Images that appear at the top of the page and have eligible sizes for Social ads are scraped first. They cannot come from the product feed at the moment.

Can We Use Macros That Pull From Our Feed For The Destination URLs? 

At this time, you cannot use macros to pull from your feed for the destination URLs.

How Is The Ad Type Determined? 

The ad type is always determined from the carousel ads.

For The Targeting – How Are The Options Selected Automatically? 

Same as above, and nothing else is targeted as to not make the audiences too small.

  • For the remarketing campaign, it is the target Website Custom Audience (WCA) that was created using the tagged keywords from Marin Search representing the user search intent.
  • For the prospecting campaign, it is the target Lookalike Audience (LAL) that is similar to the WCA used in the remarketing campaign.

If We Delete Anything, Will It Regenerate? 

If there is an audience you don't want to use, tell Jenny - she can delete the Dimension in the Search App which will prevent anything from regenerating.

For Current Audiences, Will The Audiences Build? What Is Required For Them To Grow? 

The audiences will build and already are building. The general best practice is to only use audiences with 5000+ members. The more search traffic you get per category, the faster those audiences will grow.

For Current Audiences, Can We Change The Time Limit From 30 Days? Can We Increase Or Decrease? 

The default is 30 days, but I'm reading that this can be changed to less or more, depending on your preference.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024