Expanded Dynamic Search Ads

To bolster the line-up of dynamic ads, the Marin platform offers full support for Google's Expanded Dynamic Search Ads.

Optimized for mobile users, expanded text ads of this kind are designed to maximize your brand's presence whenever your ad is served to a user. Search and Display campaigns have fully transitioned to expanded text ads, meaning this roster now includes the Expanded Dynamic Search Ads (eDSA) ad type. Longer headlines and description lines allow you to show more information about your business before people click your ad. When you create a new ad, you'll be able to use the expanded description field to provide deeper messaging that focuses on what your customers really care about.

In this article, we'll explore eDSAs in more depth and explain how you can manage them in the Marin platform. Let's get started. 

What Are Expanded Dynamic Search Ads? 

In a nutshell, eDSAs give you more space to describe your product or service, so they're a very good thing for your business. So what's different about expanded DSAs? Below are the key differences you'll discover when you start to work with Expanded Dynamic Search Ads:

  • One longer description field (80 characters)
  • Display URL field becomes "dynamically generated" by Google

Note: The new 90 character limit is not yet supported by Marin, but will be supported in the near future. Check back here for updates soon.

platform Support For EDSAs 

The Marin platform offers both ad-level reporting and general management of eDSAs.

You can view Expanded Dynamic Search Ads in either the main Creatives tab, or on a per-group basis in the Creatives sub-tab within a group. eDSAs use the value 'Expanded Dynamic' within the Creative Type column header. From both of these views, you can create, edit, and delete an Expanded Dynamic Search Ad in the same way you would for any other ad type.

For tracking eDSAs, please follow the same best practices as existing Dynamic Search Ads. 

Managing Expanded Dynamic Search Ads In Bulk 

To bulk add or bulk edit Expanded Dynamic Search Ads:

  1. Click the Creatives tab, then go to Bulk add/edit creatives in the left-hand menu.
  2. Bulk upload the Expanded Dynamic Search Ads using the following headers:
    Account, Campaign, Group, [Description], [Creative Type], [Status], [Creative ID], [Custom Parameters], [Tracking Template] 
    Columns in square brackets are optional, while columns without brackets are required. For the Creative Type column, upload the value as 'Expanded Dynamic'. The Creative ID column is used for edits only.
  3. AccountCampaign, and Group columns can be specified in the file, or in the drop-down on the bulk page. Other columns will need to be included in your bulk file. 
  4. Once your bulk sheet is prepared, you can upload either as a bulk file or directly in the bulk window. After the upload, the platform will process your changes and your eDSAs will shortly be ready for use in the grids. 

Important Note 

Along with this new ad type, Google added a new ad group attribute called 'Group Type'. Please note that you are only able to create eDSA in the 'Dynamic' ad group type. The regular search ad group with keywords is a 'Standard' type ad group. Because Google allows for a mix of Dynamic and Standard ad group running in the same Search campaign, it's important to bear this difference in mind when creating eDSAs.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024