No Objects (E.G. Keywords) Appear For New Google Campaigns When Pushed To Google Ads

When creating new campaigns and pushing them to the publisher (in this case, Google), you may notice that while the campaigns themselves appear in the publisher interface, the objects within them (keywords, for example) do not. This issue can occur when using the Copy Tool to copy campaigns.

What Causes The Issue?

The most common cause of this problem is that the copied objects are in the Held status in the platform. This would mean that even though the parent campaign may be created in the publisher, the objects are not pushed.

To check if this is the problem in your particular case, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Activity (top right)Activity Log.
  2. Filter for the relevant campaign name using the filter icon at the Description column.
  3. Check the Status column to confirm that these campaigns are Held.

How To Fix The Issue

To fix the problem, simply follow the steps above to locate the held objects, then select them all in the grid and click Post Now. This should push all of the affected objects to the publisher.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024