Wildcards In The Grid Overview


The search bar matches only the words in the search term. To expand your search, you can use wildcards as described below.


Adding a ? to your search term will look for the search term and exactly one additional character for every ?, but it will exclude exact matches of the original term. In the results below, the search for 'Ski?' match 'Skis', but not 'Ski'.

Adding an * to the search term will search for the search term plus any number of additional characters, but it will exclude exact matches of the original term. In the results below, the search for 'ski*' matches 'Skis' and 'Skiing', but not 'ski'.

Excluding Results Using NOT

Results that contain the word after the NOT operator will not be returned in the search results.

For example, to find results that contained 'Alpine' but did not contain 'Boots' enter: 'Alpine NOT Boots'.

Note: The NOT must be capitalized for the search to work correctly.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: May 31st, 2023