A Guide To Twitter Metrics


In this article, we'll define some of the general metrics for Twitter accounts in Marin Social

Note that as of Twitter Ads version 1.0, from June 2016 onwards, the way Twitter metrics will be displayed and managed in the platform has changed. Previously, Twitter provided a separate metric for each placement location (Promoted Tweets in Search, Promoted Tweets in Timelines, Promoted Tweets in Profiles & Tweet Details, Twitter Audience platform). From mid-2016, Twitter has returned to uniformed metrics that are not broken down by placement. This change was designed to provide uniformity across the ads API and the Twitter Ads Manager.

Below we'll provide a list of current Twitter metrics, as well as those that were deprecated as part of this update. 

How Has Functionality Changed?

Previous to June 2016, users were able to select these metrics broken down by Twitter placements from the Build Dashboard as well as in the main KPI section. In order to stay up-to-date with Twitter's functionality, Marin Social now supports all of the available metric options that provided by Twitter, with some having been deprecated. Please see below for more details. 

Available Twitter Metrics

The tables below list the currently available Twitter metrics, broken down by metric type:


Label Help Text
Follows Total number of follows
Clicks Total number of clicks, including favorites and other engagements.
Replies Total number of replies
URL Clicks Number of clicks on linked URLs
Retweets Total number of retweets
Likes Total number of likes
Card Engagements Total number of card engagements
Video Views Total number of video views

Twitter Conversions

Label Help Text
Site Visits Number of conversions of type SITE_VISIT
Purchases Number of conversions of type PURCHASE
Downloads Number of conversions of type DOWNLOAD
Sign Ups Number of conversions of type SIGN_UP
Conversion Custom Number of conversions of type CUSTOM
Mobile App Installs Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by by post_view, post_engagement, and assisted
Mobile Logins Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post_view, post_engagement, and assisted
Mobile Re Engages Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post_view, post_engagement, and assisted
Mobile Sign Ups Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP by post_view, post_engagement, and assisted
Mobile Purchases Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASES by post_view, post_engagement, and assisted
Mobile App Clicks Number of app install or app open attempts

Deprecated Twitter Metrics

As of June 2016, the following metrics are no longer supported by either Marin Social or Twitter. 

Note: When officially transitioning to the v1.0 Twitter metrics, historical data for the deprecated metrics will continue to show in the merged metric column, just as it does on Twitter.

Label Notes
Profile Visit Completely Deprecated
Clicks - search Merged with Clicks metric
Clicks - timeline Merged with Clicks metric
Follow - search Merged with Follows metric
Replies - search Merged with Replies metric
URL clicks - timeline Merged with URL Clicks metric
URL clicks - search Merged with URL Clicks metric
Retweets - search Merged with Retweets metric
Follow - timeline Merged with Follows metric
Replies - timeline Merged with Replies metric
Retweets - timeline Merged with Retweets metric
Favorites - timeline Merged with Likes metric
Favorites - search Merged with Likes metric
App Install Attempts Merged with Mobile App Clicks metric
App Open Attempts Merged with Mobile App Clicks metric
Search Card Engagements Merged with Card Engagements metric
Timeline Card Engagements Merged with Card Engagements metric

KPI Changes

Deprecated metrics will no longer be available for selection in the main KPI section of the media plan. Here is a list of available KPIs by Twitter objective:

Objective Available KPIs Selected KPIs
Followers Follows Follows
Tweet Engagements Follow, Replies, URL Clicks, Retweets, Likes, Video View, Clicks Follow, Replies, URL Clicks, Retweets, Likes, Video View, Clicks
Video View Video View Video View
App Engagements Mobile Re Engages, Mobile App Clicks, Mobile Logins, Mobile Sign Ups, Mobile Purchases, Card Engagements Mobile Re Engages
App Installs Mobile App installs, Mobile App Clicks Mobile App Installs
Website Clicks URL Clicks URL Clicks
Website Conversions Conversion Custom, Site Visits, Purchases  

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024