Amazon DSP - Europe and Far East

Amazon Demand-Side platform (DSP) is a tool that provides automated, centralized media buying from multiple sources. It enables advertisers to reach audiences across the web on Amazon sites and apps as well as through Amazon’s publishing partners and third-party exchanges by programmatically buying ad spaces.

Amazon DSP is recommended for advertisers who want to buy display, video, and audio ads at scale, even for those who don’t sell products on Amazon. Similar to Amazon Sponsored Display, DSP ads can be displayed on and off Amazon.

Marin supports DSP for North America, Europe and the Far East differently. Below details Europe and Far East support. If your Amazon DSP account is set up in North America see this article.

Marin Value-Add 

  • Comprehensive reporting across all Amazon media: DSP (display, video, and audio) and sponsored ads (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display) with all key metrics
  • Harness the full power of Marin reporting on DSP accounts and campaigns
  • Unlimited data retention, unlike Amazon's 90-day limit

Comparison With Amazon Sponsored Display 

Click on the image to review it in more detail.

Account Structure 

In Amazon, DSP accounts have the following hierarchy:

  • Account ==> Advertisers ==> Campaign/Orders ==> Groups/Lineitems ==> Creatives

All Amazon publisher accounts will be found under the Amazon publisher in Marin, including:

  • Amazon DSP publisher accounts
  • Amazon Vendor/Seller publisher accounts
  • Amazon Attribution publisher accounts.

Amazon DSP publisher accounts in Marin have the following structure after being linked in:

Object-level Relationship Marin UI Grid Notes
Advertisers Child of Account Publishers  
Campaigns Child of Advertiser Campaigns Known as Orders in Amazon
Groups Child of Campaigns Groups Known as Line items in Amazon
Creatives Child of Groups Ads
  • A DSP Creative could be a child of multiple DSP Groups. It's a many-to-many relationship between DSP Groups and DSP Creatives.
  • Information (attributes or performance) of a DSP Creative within a specific DSP Group can be found by filtering for the Pub ID of the Creative as well as the Group name.

Types Of Amazon DSP Accounts

Amazon DSP accounts can be of two types: Self-service or Managed-service.

Managed-service DSP accounts are not yet supported in the Amazon DSP API, hence Marin cannot link/sync them. Only Self-service Amazon DSP accounts can be linked in Marin for now. You will be able to identify the Managed-service DSP accounts by the prefix "SS -" in the name.

When you link Amazon DSP accounts in Marin using the instructions in the next section, if the managed-service DSP accounts are accessible by the same credentials as self-service DSP accounts, they can still get linked into Marin (due to a limitation from the Amazon side) as a part of linking process. Please ask your Marin representative to unlink those to prevent confusion.

Please let your Marin contact know your DSP accounts are set for Europe or Far East. Linking is not yet self-service for these regions. 

Supported Attributes 

Campaigns / Orders 

Column/Field on Amazon Marin column in Campaigns grid Expected Value(s)
Name Campaign -
Order ID Pub. ID  

Groups / Line Items 

Column/Field on Amazon Marin column name in Groups grid Expected Value(s)
Name Group  
Line item ID Pub. ID  


Column/Field on Amazon Marin Column name in Ads grid  Expected Value(s)
Name Ad  

Supported Metrics

Marin supports cost, click, impression and related metrics by default. For additional metrics, contact your Marin representative. Amazon offers more than 150 DSP metrics. 



Written by Rosanna Chea

Last published at: June 11th, 2024