Amazon DSP - North America

Amazon Demand-Side platform (DSP) is a tool that provides automated, centralized media buying from multiple sources. It enables advertisers to reach audiences across the web on Amazon sites and apps as well as through Amazon’s publishing partners and third-party exchanges by programmatically buying ad spaces.

Amazon DSP is recommended for advertisers who want to buy display, video, and audio ads at scale, even for those who don’t sell products on Amazon. Similar to Amazon Sponsored Display, DSP ads can be displayed on and off Amazon.

Marin supports DSP for North America, Europe and the Far East differently. Below details North America support. If your Amazon DSP account is set up for Europe or Far East see this article.

Marin Value-Add 

  • Comprehensive reporting across all Amazon media: DSP (display, video, and audio) and sponsored ads (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display) with all key metrics
  • Harness the full power of Marin reporting on DSP accounts and campaigns
  • Unlimited data retention, unlike Amazon's 90-day limit

Comparison With Amazon Sponsored Display 

Click on the image to review it in more detail.

Account Structure 

In Amazon, DSP accounts have the following hierarchy:

  • Account ==> Advertisers ==> Campaign/Orders ==> Groups/Lineitems ==> Creatives

All Amazon publisher accounts will be found under the Amazon publisher in Marin, including:

  • Amazon DSP publisher accounts
  • Amazon Vendor/Seller publisher accounts
  • Amazon Attribution publisher accounts.

Amazon DSP publisher accounts in Marin have the following structure after being linked in:

Object-level Relationship Marin UI Grid Notes
Account / Publisher Account - Publishers
  • Identified by "Amazon DSP -" in the name, or the nickname you provided during linking. (Nickname applies to only the first DSP account if you have more than one.)
  • The entry on the Publishers grid is a placeholder for your own awareness that the account is linked in. Clicking into it won't take you to DSP Orders/Campaigns. This is purely for informational purposes.
  • Only Self-service DSP accounts will contain child Advertisers and further Orders.
  • Amazon doesn't provide Managed-service accounts yet. If you see an entry for it on the Publishers grid, feel free to let your Marin account representative know to unlink it, though it does no harm if it stays there.
Advertisers Child of Account Publishers
  • Identified by "Amazon DSP Adv. -" in the name.
  • Treated as actual publisher accounts in the sense that clicking on them will take you to the DSP Orders/Campaigns.
  • In the Account column on any grid, filter using Advertisers' names.
Campaigns Child of Advertiser Campaigns Known as Orders in Amazon
Groups Child of Campaigns Groups Known as Line items in Amazon
Creatives Child of Groups Ads
  • A DSP Creative could be a child of multiple DSP Groups. It's a many-to-many relationship between DSP Groups and DSP Creatives.
  • Information (attributes or performance) of a DSP Creative within a specific DSP Group can be found by filtering for the Pub ID of the Creative as well as the Group name.

Types Of Amazon DSP Accounts

Amazon DSP accounts can be of two types: Self-service or Managed-service.

Managed-service DSP accounts are not yet supported in the Amazon DSP API, hence Marin cannot link/sync them. Only Self-service Amazon DSP accounts can be linked in Marin for now. You will be able to identify the Managed-service DSP accounts by the prefix "SS -" in the name.

When you link Amazon DSP accounts in Marin using the instructions in the next section, if the managed-service DSP accounts are accessible by the same credentials as self-service DSP accounts, they can still get linked into Marin (due to a limitation from the Amazon side) as a part of linking process. Please ask your Marin representative to unlink those to prevent confusion.

If your Amazon DSP accounts are accessible using the same credentials as your Amazon Seller/Vendor accounts, and either of those Amazon Seller/Vendor accounts are already linked into Marin, you don't need to take any extra steps to link your Amazon DSP accounts (and advertisers) and sync Amazon DSP campaigns/orders into Marin. Just reach out to your Marin representative and we will do it for you.

If your Amazon DSP accounts have different credentials than your Amazon Seller/Vendor accounts, or you don't manage any Amazon Seller/Vendor accounts, please follow these steps to link your Amazon DSP accounts (and advertisers) and sync Amazon DSP campaigns/orders in Marin:

  1. Navigate to Accounts > Publishers
  2. Click Manage Accounts above the grid to launch the Linking Wizard
  3. Click Link for the publisher to add.
  4. Enter a nickname for the account and select Amazon Advertising (Vendor or Seller) account.
  5. Expand Linking Settings to see advanced options. Settings below are enabled by default.
    1. Link all campaigns in this account will link all existing Amazon DSP campaigns/orders underneath each of the Amazon DSP advertisers.
    2. Auto link new campaigns will automatically bring any future campaigns/orders you create on the Amazon DSP platform (within the linked DSP advertisers) into Marin .
  6.  Click Connect Account.
  7.  A new tab will open for you to authenticate your Amazon account.
    • Note that all of the Amazon DSP accounts and advertisers accessible by the credentials will be linked into Marin.
    • The nickname will only be applied to the first Amazon DSP account returned from Amazon. 
    • The rest of your Amazon DSP accounts (if any) will have a name in the format: "Amazon DSP - <countryCode> - <name of account>".
    • The advertisers underneath each of the Amazon DSP accounts will also be linked and displayed in the list of accounts. You can identify them by the name of the format: "Amazon DSP Adv. - <countryCode> - <name of advertiser>".
  8. Once connected via your Amazon credentials, you'll be brought back to the Linking Wizard in Marin with your Amazon DSP account(s) now successfully linked.
  9. If you chose to do so earlier, your campaigns/order under each advertiser will now be linked and begin populating the platform with data. If not, you can click your new Amazon DSP advertiser in the Linking Wizard, then go to the Campaigns sub-tab to start linking your campaigns/orders manually.
  10. There are 2 more sub-tabs ('Brands & Logos' and 'Store Pages') to give more information about the Amazon account, which are relevant for Vendor/Seller accounts. These can be ignored for Amazon DSP accounts and advertisers.
  11. Finally, click Finished within the Linking Wizard, to start using the grids to see all the DSP objects and their performance.

Supported Attributes 

Campaigns / Orders 

Column/Field on Amazon Marin column in Campaigns grid Expected Value(s)
Name Campaign -
Order ID Pub. ID  
- Campaign Type DSP
End End Date  
Budget Daily Budget  
Budget Type Budget Type UNCAPPED
- Status Active
Status Serving Status Campaign Active
Campaign Paused
Ready To Deliver
Campaign Out of Budget
Line Items Not Running
Frequency type Freq. Type Uncapped
Max Impressions (Show no more than __ times) Max Impressions  
Frequency Unit (per __) Freq. Unit  
Frequency Count Freq. Count DAYS
Strategy Publisher Bidding Strategy Spend budget in full
Maximize performance
Product Location Product Location Product sold on Amazon
Not sold on Amazon
Goal Publisher Goal Awareness
Engagement with my ad
Considerations on Amazon
Purchases on Amazon
Conversions off Amazon
Mobile App Installs
Goal KPI Publisher Goal KPI Click-through rate (CTR)
Cost per click (CPC)
Cost per action (CPA)
Cost per download
Detail page view rate (DPVR)
Cost per detail page view (CPDPV)
Return on ad spend (ROAS)
Total return on ad spend (Total ROAS)
Video completion rate (VCR)
Cost per video completion (CPVC)
Automated Optimizations Auto Optimizations BUDGET

Groups / Line Items 

Column/Field on Amazon Marin column name in Groups grid Expected Value(s)
Name Group  
Line item ID Pub. ID  
- Status Active
Status Serving Status Ad Group Active
Ad Group Paused
Ready To Deliver
Ad Group Out of Budget
Creatives Not Running
Base supply bid Search Bid  


Column/Field on Amazon Marin Column name in Ads grid  Expected Value(s)
Name Ad  
Type Creative Type Image
Image - mobile AAP
Image - mobile O&O
Third party
Third party - video
Third party - mobile AAP
Dynamic eCommerce
Dynamic eCommerce - mobile AAP
Dynamic eCommerce - mobile O&O
Responsive eCommerce
OTT Studio
Video Creative Builder

Supported Metrics

Metrics relevant to Amazon DSP are displayed in your Marin account under the following:

  • Accounts > Campaigns / Groups / Ads grid ==> Column Selector ==> Conversion Types


  • Since the list of Amazon DSP metrics is quite large, the intelligence in the system displays them only when there is an Amazon publisher account linked.

[Abbreviations below: SP = Amazon Sponsored Products, SB = Amazon Sponsored Brands, SD = Amazon Sponsored Display, AA = Amazon Attribution]

Metric / Conversion Type name Notes / Also used for other Amazon account or campaign types
Viewable Impressions  
Measurable Impressions  
1 Day SP and SD
7 Day SP and SD
14 Day SP, SB, SD and AA
14 Day (click-through)  
14 Day (view-through)  
Total 14 Day  
Total 14 Day (click-through)  
Total 14 Day (view-through)  
30 Day SP and SD
1 Day Same SKU SP and SD
7 Day Same SKU SP and SD
14 Day Same SKU SP, SB and SD
30 Day Same SKU SP and SD
1 Day Units Ordered SP and SD
1 Day Units Ordered Same SKU SP
7 Day Units Ordered SP and SD
7 Day Units Ordered Same SKU SP
14 Day Units Ordered SP and SD
Total 14 Day Units Ordered AA
14 Day Units Ordered Same SKU SP
30 Day Units Ordered SP and SD
30 Day Units Ordered Same SKU SP
New To Brand SB and SD
New To Brand (click-through)  
New To Brand (view-through)  
Total New To Brand  
Total New To Brand (click-through)  
Total New To Brand (view-through)  
New To Brand Units Ordered SB and SD
Total New To Brand Units Ordered  
Detail Page Views SB
Detail Page Views (click-through) SB and AA
Detail Page Views (view-through)  
Total Detail Page Views  
Total Detail Page Views (click-through) AA
Total Detail Page Views (view-through)  
Add to Cart  
Add to Cart (click-through) AA
Add to Cart (view-through)  
Total Add to Cart  
Total Add to Cart (click-through) AA
Total Add to Cart (view-through)  
Subscribe & Save  
Subscribe & Save (view-through)  
Subscribe & Save (click-through)  
Application (click-through)  
Application (view-through)  
Banner Interaction  
Banner Interaction (click-through)  
Banner Interaction (view-through)  
Brand Store Engagement  
Brand Store Engagement (click-through)  
Brand Store Engagement (view-through)  
Click On Redirect  
Click On Redirect (click-through)  
Click On Redirect (view-through)  
Email Interaction  
Email Interaction (click-through)  
Email Interaction (view-through)  
Email Load  
Email Load (click-through)  
Email Load (view-through)  
Game Interaction  
Game Interaction (click-through)  
Game Interaction (view-through)  
Game Load  
Game Load (click-through)  
Game Load (view-through)  
Homepage Visit  
Homepage Visit (click-through)  
Homepage Visit (view-through)  
Marketing Landing Page  
Marketing Landing Page (click-through)  
Marketing Landing Page (view-through)  
Mobile App First Starts  
Mobile App First Starts (click-through)  
Mobile App First Starts (view-through)  
Product Purchased  
Product Purchased (click-through)  
Product Purchased (view-through)  
Purchase Button  
Purchase Button (click-through)  
Purchase Button (view-through)  
Registration Confirm Page  
Registration Confirm Page (click-through)  
Registration Confirm Page (view-through)  
Registration Form  
Registration Form (click-through)  
Registration Form (view-through)  
Sign Up Button  
Sign Up Button (click-through)  
Sign Up Button (view-through)  
Sign Up Page  
Sign Up Page (click-through)  
Sign Up Page (view-through)  
Store Locator Page  
Store Locator Page (click-through)  
Store Locator Page (view-through)  
Submit Button  
Submit Button (click-through)  
Submit Button (view-through)  
Subscription Button  
Subscription Button (click-through)  
Subscription Button (view-through)  
Subscription Page  
Subscription Page (click-through)  
Subscription Page (view-through)  
Success Page  
Success Page (click-through)  
Success Page (view-through)  
Survey Finish  
Survey Finish (click-through)  
Survey Finish (view-through)  
Survey Start  
Survey Start (click-through)  
Survey Start (view-through)  
Thank You Page  
Thank You Page (click-through)  
Thank You Page (view-through)  
Total Pixel  
Total Pixel (click-through)  
Total Pixel (view-through)  
Video Completion  
Video First Quartile  
Video Midpoint  
Video Start  
Video Streams  
Video Streams (click-through)  
Video Streams (view-through)  
Video Third Quartile  
Widget Interaction  
Widget Interaction (click-through)  
Widget Interaction (view-through)  
Widget Load  
Widget Load (click-through)  
Widget Load (view-through)  

Note: These are around 140 important metrics. There are 100+ more metrics that could be supported quickly. If you require any metric that's not listed here, please let your Marin representative know.



Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024