Amazon Seller Central Accounts in Marin

Bringing your Amazon Seller Central account into Marin provides greater visibility to all of the products you sell, even if they are not promoted with ads. 

With this feature, you can now link your Amazon Seller Central account to Marin alongside your Amazon Advertising account in order to gain a more holistic view of your ecommerce efforts, spanning both organic and sponsored listings. 

In addition to additional product metadata, you can also see organic sales (those that did not involve an ad click) for all your products.

Seller Central Data in Marin 

Your Seller Central account will be a separate Publisher Client Account in Marin. Similar to other publishers, your object structure will follow a hierarchy of:

Publisher Client Account > Campaign > Group > Shopping Products

  • The name of your PCA in Marin will be Amazon Seller Central - [country code] - [unique account id]. So, for example, this might be Amazon Seller Central - US - A123BCD4E5FGHIJ. Your campaigns will have "Inventory Campaign" appended onto this same structure. Similarly, groups will have "Inventory Group" appended.
  • Your Publisher Client Account (PCA), campaign, and group are placeholder objects created in Marin that do not exist on the Amazon side. These are simply a repository for your inventory. Given that these are placeholders, they do not have an external ID that corresponds with Amazon's ID because they don't exist in Amazon. These objects serve only to align with the standard account structure we use in Marin.

Products are the only level of the hierarchy that exists within Amazon Seller Central and therefore have external IDs (Pub IDs) that correspond with those used in Amazon.

  • Products with ads are available in the Ads grid and the Products grid
  • All of the products you sell, including products without ads, are available in the Products grid

You'll find that, in addition to displaying your product quantities in the Products grid, quantity information for products is also accessible and visible from the Ads grid. Product quantities are preserved across different grids in order to facilitate your decision-making and make it easier to manage your ads effectively. 

Supported Columns 

We've now introduced support for the following new columns (applicable only to Amazon product listings as of now) in the Products grid:

  • ASIN
  • SKU
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Status
  • Image

Linking Your Seller Central Account 

To link your Seller Central account into Marin, follow the steps below. 

  1. In the left-hand navigation, click on Accounts > Publishers
  2. Click Manage Accounts to launch the Linking Wizard.
  3. In the Add Publisher tab, click the Link button for Amazon.  
  4. Give your account a nickname. This is the field you will use to identify your account within the grids. 
  5. Select your Seller Central for the appropriate region from the drop-down.

  6. Click Connect Account.
  7. From here, you will be taken to the Amazon site, where you can enter your credentials and grant permission for Marin to connect with your Seller Central account. Once this process is complete, you will be redirected back to Marin's Linking Wizard. 
  8. Once your Seller Central account has been linked, your sync will take place overnight. 

Organic Revenue

Amazon Organic Revenue is a metric (available from the Column Selector) that reports your sales on Amazon resulting from customers discovering and purchasing products without direct advertising. It includes sales from organic search results, browsing, recommendations, and customer reviews. It differs from revenue generated through paid advertising campaigns where budgets are allocated for sponsored placements and targeted ads.

This helps you understand the full impact of your strength as a business by seeing your ability to generate sales without relying solely on paid advertising or promotional activities. It helps you to understand customer loyalty, brand equity, and the quality of products or services offered. While advertising and marketing efforts play a crucial role in driving growth, organic revenue demonstrates the natural demand for your company’s offerings and the effectiveness of its core operations in generating sales.  


At this time, there is no similar support for Amazon Vendors to bring in product metadata and organic sales, but it is on the roadmap.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024