Amazon Attribution


As Amazon Advertising has grown in scale and reach, advertisers have been using multiple channels to drive traffic and conversions that happen on Amazon.

These channels include Search publishers like Google and Microsoft, Social publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or even Pinterest and LinkedIn.

With so many potential paths to conversion, how exactly do you link your conversions on Amazon back to the source? Marin's Amazon Attribution is here to bridge the gap.

This feature serves to connect your data across channels using a last-touch attribution model. More importantly, because these publishers are essentially in competition with Amazon, they won't surface conversion data for sales that happen on Amazon – but Marin can.

What Is Amazon Attribution?

As a competing publisher, it makes sense that conversions which take place on Amazon can't be tracked via publisher tools from Google, Microsoft or Facebook. But, for advertisers, this can leave a bit of a gap in reporting, with non-attributed conversions for Amazon products. 

To fill this gap, we developed Amazon Attribution.

Unavailable through any publisher tools, this Marin feature allows you to view and report on your Search and Social spend alongside the equivalent conversions on Amazon.

A Note About Geography 

As of late 2020, Amazon Attribution is available to vendors and professional sellers enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry that sell products on Amazon in the US, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Canada.

It’s also available to agencies and tool providers with eligible clients selling products on Amazon.

Signing Up For Amazon Attribution

If you're a Vendor or Seller and haven't yet signed up for Amazon Attribution, you can do so at the following links:

How To Use Amazon Attribution

Before you can begin reporting on your Amazon conversions in the Marin platform, you'll first need to speak with your Marin platform representative. 

Once we've confirmed that Amazon Attribution is set up for your account, you can use it in the platform by following the steps below. 

Amazon Attribution Conversion Types 

Once enabled, you'll find a new set of Conversion Types in the Marin Column Selector.

Amazon Attribution is currently available on the Keywords and Ads grids.

These metrics can broadly be broken down into the following categories:

  • Add To Cart (ATC) (Shown as number of conversions)
  • Detail Page Views (DPV) (Shown as number of conversions)
  • Purchases (Shown as number of conversions)
  • Units Sold (Shown as number of conversions)
  • Sales (Shown as total revenue)
  • Clicks (Shown as total number of clicks)

For quick reference, the table below explains some of the Amazon Attribution conversion types available via the Column Selector:

Conversion Type Description
AA DPV The number of promoted detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days.
AA ATC The number of promoted add to cart conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days.
AA Purchases The number of promoted purchases attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days.
AA Units Sold The number of promoted units sold attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days.
AA Sales Aggregate value of promoted attributed sales occurring within 14 days of an attribution event in local currency.
AA Total DPV The number of total detail page view conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days, including brand halo.
AA Total ATC The number of total add to cart conversions attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days, including brand halo.
AA Total Purchases The number of total purchases attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days, including brand halo.
AA Total Units Sold The number of total units sold attributed to ad click-throughs within 14 days, including brand halo.
AA Total Sales Aggregate value of total attributed sales occurring within 14 days of an attribution event in local currency, including brand halo.
AA Clicks Total ad clicks (could be slightly variant from clicks reported by non-Amazon publisher).

Viewing Amazon Attribution Data In The Grid 

Using the Column Selector, you can add as many Amazon Attribution conversion types to the grid as you like.

From there, it's a matter of arranging your columns so that you can see the Search publisher metrics (e.g. clicks, impressions, and publisher cost from Google) right alongside the Amazon Attribution metrics.

Once your grid is set up with the combined data, you can use the sorting and filtering options to customize your view, then run reports just as you normally would.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024