Buy Box Monitoring For Amazon


The Amazon Buy Box is located in the top-right section of a product page where customers can directly add items to their shopping carts. In cases where multiple sellers offer the same product, they must compete to win the Buy Box. 

Over 80 percent of Amazon sales go through the Buy Box, making it a critical aspect of successful advertising on Amazon. Having visibility into the Buy Box status of your products makes it easy to monitor for products that may be sources of lost revenue or sales opportunities. 

Marin's Serving Status column in the Ads grid can show when Amazon products are falling out of the Buy Box.


To monitor the status of your Buy Box,  follow these steps:

  1. Go to Accounts >  Ads . 
  2. Open the Column Selector and type Serving Status into the Search bar. Add the column to the grid.
  3. Filter the Serving Status column by Not Buybox Winner to find products that are not winning the Buy Box.




Create a Saved View to check Buy Box status any time, or create a recurring reporting alert to take action immediately.



Important Notes

  • Buy Box eligibility is shown for Sponsored Products only.
  • Below is a list of other possible statuses for the Serving Status column, along with what they mean. 
Ad Status Meaning
Ad Status Live Ad’s status is Enabled.
Ad Paused Ad’s status is Paused.
Ad Archived Ad’s status is Archived.
Missing Image Ad offer does not have item decoration, or item decoration doesn’t have a product page.
Missing Decoration Ad is not servable. Please check status in the Amazon Advertising Console UI for additional details.
Not Buyable Ad offer does not have decoration or buyability data.
Out of Stock Ad offer is out of stock.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024