Call And Location Extensions Reporting With Google

Our platform offers support for the management of both Location Extensions and Call Extensions for Google. You can also report on these extensions from within the platform. You're able to report on both 'call' clicks and 'directions' clicks.

In this article, we'll explain a little more about how to report on these extensions. 

Viewing Call And Location Click Totals In The Grid

The clicks for each of these extensions have always been included in the click totals, but users can now also use the View Builder to show clicks for each type of extension individually. Here's how to do it:

  1. First, you'll need to make sure that Call and Location Extension reporting is enabled for your client account. Please reach out to your platform representative in order to enable it.
  2. From the grid view, click the Columns in the upper-right corner of the grid. Note that the columns we'll add are available to view in the Keywords, Creatives, Groups, Campaigns, Account and History tabs.
  3. Look for the Ad Extensions section of the Columns list. You'll see a few different options for extension reporting which you can add to the grid. If you wanted to see call click data and driving directions click data, for example, you could choose Clicks-to-Call Clicks and Driving Dir. Clicks.


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024